Stems and All

My journey to buy less, consume smart, use what's there.

Cooking with carrots: making juice, soup stock and pesto – Part III


Stems and All:
Part I
Part II
Part III

I had reserved the green carrot tops from our first juice experiment, and I wanted to see what I could come up with.

I used to toss the green tops of the carrots into the compost. But I had read that these were totally nutritional and could be eaten. They are actually rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, including lots of potassium.

Here’s the final topper of our first ‘stems and all’ juice experience. Try this nice pesto on top of any variety of foods…

– 2 cloves of minced garlic (adjust for personal taste)
– ½ cup of any nut, toasted (almonds, hazelnuts, and pine nuts are just a few that could work)
– 1 bunch of washed and dried carrot tops
– Lemon juice, to taste
– ½ tablespoon honey or other sweetener such as molasses (optional)
– 1 cup olive oil – more or less might need to be added once you blend this
– Salt to taste

1.) Put the first 5 ingredients into a blender or food processor and pulse/blend until blended
2.) Slowly start to add the olive oil, drizzling in as needed until you have the consistency that you like
3.) Add as a topping to any of the following, or create your own idea: pasta, eggs, toast

– The pesto can be frozen into smaller glass sealable containers, and taken out later as a tasty topping for any variety of things!

Author: Jane Newcomb

“Stems and All” is my personal journey to become a more environmentally responsible human, live a more sustainable life, and practice sustainable consuming habits.


  1. The pesto from the carrot tops was surprisingly good. I always thought you had to use basil for pesto but now I’m a believer in using the carrot tops. It was cheaper, tasted just as good and wasted nothing!

    Thank you, Jane — Stems and all!

  2. Hey it’s nice to join this community and it’s good to have a digital family here 😛

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